15 Reasons why people fight
It’s impossible to avoid conflict. We can strive to avoid it, but we will never be able to completely eliminate it. Fortunately, we can learn to identify the root cause and hence minimise the damage.
- Lack of mutual, empathic understanding.
People return to a self-protective posture and become judgmental when empathy is not engaged. As a result, both parties are left with a negative feeling and there is no happy ending.
- Competition for power
The fight over who gets to make decisions, rules , break rules, exclude and include people is a hot debate among people that can be political and affect the society’s well being or be limited to a family or an individual.
- Having power over land and natural resources
The political power is also influenced by who holds the resources. A Lot of conflicts occur due to the decisions made around land, water and how these changes affect our environment.
- Service delivery
The fairness of how each service is delivered is perceived differently by each individual. Thus conflict arises on what is fair and what is unfair in the services provided.
- Access to basic security and justice
Inclusiveness and perceptions of fairness matter and the debate over how people are treated differently by law enforcement comes into picture here.
- Clashing Identities
Identity is at the heart of who we are. Our identity is who we are. When someone assaults our identity, they are essentially attacking our fundamental existence. Identity is concerned with our self-image and the self-image we want others to accept.
- Threatened
When people’s lives or livelihoods are threatened, they prefer to protect them and fight for them. While most people desire peace, when their lives or the lives of their loved ones are threatened, they opt to stand up for them.
- Not accepting
We are unwilling to accept anything that has to do with us; we are unable to accept our faults, mistakes, and wrongdoings, and when someone forces us to accept them, we either argue or fight.
- Busy life
People are so busy and angry that they become irritated by the smallest of things. Even the smallest shove in the hurry can irritate them, and that small push becomes the main cause of a massive quarrel. Even the sound of a person breathing can get on your nerves when you are out of time.
- Way Matters
“What you say matters but most importantly what matters is how you say it , when you say it and where you say it.” Is a good quote to keep in mind. You can’t make a joke in a serious circumstance, and you can’t say things rudely; even the sweetest things delivered rudely might lead to a brawl or a violent disagreement. The way you portray a problem can make a big difference.
- Ignorance
Close-mindedness, People nowadays are not willing to listen to others with an open mind; they always choose their own thoughts above others’; they don’t even consider others’ opinions, and they are unable to comprehend others’ perspectives. Social media is a very evident example of this.
- Emotional Disbalance
Sensitive people are easily upset by simple things, they have no control over their emotions, they take everything personally and turn small things into large and severe conflicts, and overthinking doesn’t help their case.
- Compromise
People frequently quarrel or fight when they are adamant about their point of view and devote all of their energy to defeating the person with whom they are fighting; people usually don’t listen to comprehend but listen to respond.
- Short tempered
People can be often short-tempered and there can be various reasons such as lack of sleep, financial issues etc but strangers with whom they pick fights are unaware of these causes, people who engage in such activity should be aware of and regulate their anger and emotions.
- Always Right Attitude
Certain people believe that they are right and that others who disagree with them or fight with them are wrong, because deep down they believe that they are always right and that they only see the story from one perspective; they never analyse the story from both perspectives; they simply believe that they have been through a lot; and such beliefs never allow them to compromise or make them feel guilty.